Join me as we break the modesty myth and empower women to celebrate their achievements in work and business.

Have you ever been in a meeting where a female colleague downplays her accomplishments. Or maybe even gives credit to someone else for a project she led? This is not uncommon in the workplace, and it’s a phenomenon known as “modesty.” Being modest may seem like a positive trait. But it can actually hold women …

Breaking the Modesty Myth: Why Women Need to Celebrate Their Achievements in the WorkplaceRead More »

Data suggests that there is a significant underrepresentation of women in the tech startup ecosystem, while they are important for the sector.

Underrepresentation According to the National Women’s Business Council, as of 2021, women own approximately 38% of all businesses in the United States. (1). Other research shows Canada (3) and Europe (2) paint a similar picture. However, this percentage includes non-employer (such as freelance) business. If you were to exclude these, the numbers are even worse, …

Why women are much needed in tech and how to close the gap.Read More »

In a troubled time, powerful creative new ideas pierce the darkness and paradigm shifts happen. It seems creativity plays an important role here and helps us to create meaningful change. 8 minute read. Rather listen?? Powerful ideas need world changing views A great and well-known example of such a powerful idea is the in 1905 …

Boost your creativity – and you will move mountains. Here’s why and how.Read More »